Title: Christmas Toy DriveLocation: CWA Union Workers Hall – 1730 Jefferson St., Houston 77003Description: This year, Endurance, KWWJ – Gospel 1360 AM, eCINAJ, He Heard My Cry Fellowship Church and Communications Workers of America District 6 together are hosting a Christmas Toy Drive. On Saturday, December 7, 2013 from 2-6pm bring your toy(s) or monetary donations to the CWA Union Workers Hall. There will be refreshments &...
Title: A Chance for a New Beginning Concert Location: Beaumont Civic CenterDescription: A Change for a New Beginning Concert Beaumont Civic CenterBeaumont, TXStart Time: TBADate: 2013-11-30
Title: Senior Citizen Concert hosted by Tish JacksonLocation: Greater St. Matthew – Main St. LocationDescription: Senior Citizen Concert hosted by Tish Jackson w/Gospel 1360 KWWJGreater St. Matthew – Main St. LocationHouston, TXStart Time: TBADate: 2013-11-02
Title: New Covenant 4th Annual Victory BanquetLocation: San Jacinto BattlegroundDescription: 30 min presentation;Monument Inn – San Jacinto BattlegroundDate: 2013